Sunday, 1 September 2013

Handmade cards

For a while now I have been trying to make cards as often as I can.  I do love giving a card that makes people smile.  I normally start by thinking about the person I am giving the card to and the occasion it is for and then going from there.  I started some time ago by making this card for my friend.

From this first attempt my character cards took on and I have since made quite a few, they can be quite fiddly but the response they get is brilliant and that makes it all worthwhile. Here are some of my favourites.


I also like to attempt to make Christmas cards, these were brilliant but I did have a lot of time to make them so they might not be as good this year.


Aside from cross stitch there are plenty of things that can be added to a card, I have recently taken to crocheting appliqués to add to the front of cards, they can look lovely but I am sure on occasions they can look pretty terrible.  Here is an example of a wedding card I made.


Here is another example of a card with a crocheted cat on the front.  It is for a friend who owns a Bengal and the yarn is perfect for her fur.


Cards can also be made of card (surprise surprise) and with the use of Kate and her tools at Happy Henlow Crafts I created this lovely card for my parents wedding anniversary.


This blog might appear as though it is lacking something but the point of it was to show that if there is not time to make a gift a card can be created from a very small idea and the effect can be fantastic.  It does not take a huge amount of skill, time or talent and the recipients are always so grateful.  It is so much better than spending ridiculous amounts on a card from the Supermarket.


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