Tuesday, 25 December 2012

Merry Christmas

Christmas Day is here and reaching its end. This year is the first I have spent away from my family so that was a bit odd but I have had a lovely day with my own little family. Sophie the cat unfortunately had a fight last night so she has spent the day moping around with a large chunk of her tail missing...boxing day trip in her box to the vets it is.

Dinner was a success...eventually. The oven randomly turned itself off half way through the Yorkshire puddings but we did recover them, I think I had pressed a button that made it turn off after so long.

I can share one of my home made gifts as it has now been opened, a scarf for Tom's Mum, it went down well.

I was a very lucky girl as Tom got me a Lumie Bodyclock, it's amazing and I cannot wait to be woken up gently by it, I really hope it helps with this depression malarkey!

I shall end this short blog by wishing you all a very Merry Christmas. To those of you missing loved ones or struggling over the festive period I send you my love.

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