The sun has put a halt on my crafty bits, I've been sending the little time I have between working in the garden tidying it up and enjoying the sun. I got my tomatoes planted today, let's hope they grow nicely.
Monday, 28 May 2012
Thursday, 24 May 2012
Long hard day at work.
It's been a long hot day at work today and I feel too sleepy to concentrate on any projects so I put a bit of energy into making my pudding look nice. Who says creativity can't be used regularly!
Tuesday, 22 May 2012
Garden projects
Well! Today was meant to be a day of housework but the sun inspired me to do much greater things. The front garden has been a mess since before Tom moved in so I took to the path with an edging tool, the edge was actually half a foot away from where it had grown to, it was hard work but it looks loads better.
As a reward for the hard labour I planted my first ever hanging basket, I am really pleased with it, it just needs to do some growing now.
I then noticed one of my first craft projects for this house, my door number. It's been there that long that I forgot I made it. I found the piece of slate when walking from Bigbury to Burgh Island in Devon last summer, I just had to pick it up! From there it had a hole drilled in it and a 4 painted on and it was attached to the wall. I love it.
As a reward for the hard labour I planted my first ever hanging basket, I am really pleased with it, it just needs to do some growing now.
I then noticed one of my first craft projects for this house, my door number. It's been there that long that I forgot I made it. I found the piece of slate when walking from Bigbury to Burgh Island in Devon last summer, I just had to pick it up! From there it had a hole drilled in it and a 4 painted on and it was attached to the wall. I love it.
Monday, 21 May 2012
Gingerbread people
For my birthday a while ago I made a ginger bread control room, they were very well received by my colleagues so for Tom's birthday we made gingerbread police officers. Don't they look fabulous!
Wednesday, 16 May 2012
Knitted kitten and naughty kittens
I have started my knitted kitten and she is coming along, she has two ears and a tail but no body or head to attach it to yet. My stitch counter is here though so I can start them today.
As for my real kittens...I got Tom a lovely handmade glass police officer stood at traffic lights and we made sure to put it somewhere safe (at least we thought we did) but we returned home to find the time they had been allowed in the bedroom earlier in the day had resulted in him being knocked off his shelf. He is now laying on the shelf next to his traffic lights with a broken foot, I hope he's not expecting compensation for receiving an injury whilst on duty.
As for my real kittens...I got Tom a lovely handmade glass police officer stood at traffic lights and we made sure to put it somewhere safe (at least we thought we did) but we returned home to find the time they had been allowed in the bedroom earlier in the day had resulted in him being knocked off his shelf. He is now laying on the shelf next to his traffic lights with a broken foot, I hope he's not expecting compensation for receiving an injury whilst on duty.
Sunday, 13 May 2012
My latest cross stitch
This is my latest project. I am stitching it in greens though so it can go in our bedroom. The plan is to make 2 so we can have one either side of the bed. I think they're really pretty.
Friday, 11 May 2012
I finally finished my house!
I am so pleased with my finished cross stitch house. It's hanging just inside the front door so nobody can miss it on the way in. Very happy Lynsey today!
Thursday, 10 May 2012
It's here!
My knit kit has arrived! Just awaiting my stitch counter and I will be stitching away. The kittens are loving playing in the box it came in aswell.
Wednesday, 9 May 2012
I found some lovely super chunky wool in a charity shop for a bargain price so I am going to learn to cable knit and make myself a scarf for the winter...summer as well at this rate!
Tuesday, 8 May 2012
The little secret project.
It's my sister Rheanne's birthday today so I have handed over my secret project. It's only little but I'm quite pleased with the result, I had no pattern after all and had to guess from a picture. Rheanne liked it aswell which is what I was planning on.
Sunday, 6 May 2012
We have been to Rome in the last week and now I am in Suffolk. I was spoilt in rome and surrounded by some wonderful art, absolutely beautiful stuff. Suffolk is also a treat as there are lots of local crafts exhibited around. I haven't got a lot to be doing myself but I've got a few ideas brewing in the think tank.
Oh, I ordered the knit a kit but it hasn't turned up yet, I hope it's there when I get home!
Oh, I ordered the knit a kit but it hasn't turned up yet, I hope it's there when I get home!
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